その名も"armbian-config" ((o・д・)b
- System System and security settings
- Network Wired, wireless, Bluetooth, access point
- Personal Timezone, language, hostname
- Software System and 3rd party software install
- Help Documentation, support, sources
説明に"General system configuration (beta)"とあります。
Raspbian 設定ツール
- Expand Filesystem・・・・・・・Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the OS
- Change User Password・・・・・ Change password for the default user (pi)
- Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment, Scratch, or the command line
- Internationalisation Options・ Set up language and regional settings to match your location
- Enable Camera・・・・・・・・・Enable this Pi to work with the Raspberry Pi camera
- Add to Rastrack・・・・・・・・Add this Pi to online Raspberry Pi Map (Rastrack)
- Overclock・・・・・・・・・・・Configure overclocking for your Pi
- Advanced Options・・・・・・・ Configure advanced settings
- About raspi-config・・・・・・ Information about this configuration tool
DietPi 設定ツール
dietpi-launcher = All the DietPi programs in one place.
dietpi-config = Feature rich configuration tool for your device.
dietpi-software = Select optimized software for installation.
dietpi-update = Run now to update DietPi (from V155 to V159).
htop = Resource monitor.
cpu = Shows CPU information and stats.
- Install Optimized Software
DietPi-Software・・・Install optimized software thats ready to run. - Configuration
DietPi-JustBoom・・・Launches EQ and MPD audio options menu
DietPi-AutoStart・・ Choose what software runs after boot.
DietPi-Cron・・・・・Modify the start times of cron jobs.
DietPi-Process_Tool・Tweak Nice, Affinity, Schedulers for programs.
DietPi-Drive_Manager Setup and control multiple external drives. - DietPi Updates
DietPi-Update・・・・Keep your DietPi system upto date. - Maintenance
DietPi-Cleaner・・・ Remove unwanted junk from your system.
DietPi-BugReport・・ Found a bug? Let us know!
DietPiCpuInfo・・・・Displays CPU Temp, frequencies, type etc. DietPi-Config
DietPi-LetsEncrypt・ Frontend for Lets Encrypt, free SSL certs
DietPi-MorseCode・・ Converts and outputs a text file to morsecode.
- Display Options
- Audio Options
- Performance Options
- Advanced Options
- Security Options
- Network Options: Adapters
- Network Options: NAS/Misc
- AutoStart Options
- Tools
- Help!
- DietPi-Config・・・・Feature-rich configuration tool for your device
- Select Software
Software Additional・Select additional Linux software for installation
File Server・・・・・: None
Log System・・・・・ : DietPi-Ramlog #1
Webserver Preference : Lighttpd
User Data Location・ : SD/EMMC | /mnt/dietpi_userdata - Install or Remove Software
Uninstall・・・・・・Select installed software for removal